Monday, 19 April 2010

t4g conference audio


Monday is an unusual day for the preacher. Even after a ‘good’ Sunday, the day after the battle is filled with dangers. Achan fell into sin after the fall of Jericho (Joshua 7), Elijah prayed that he might die shortly after the victory at Carmel (1 Kings 18\19) and the tired pastor can just as easily sink into sin or sadness when the spiritual focal-point that is the Sunday passes.

For this reason I always try to make sure I listen to some good preaching to strengthen and stir me spiritually on a Monday morning. This morning I’ll be downloading something from t4g.

Here are some links should you wish to join me:

Mark Dever- The Church is the Gospel Made Visible

RC Sproul- The Defence and Confirmation of the Gospel — What I Have Learned in 50 years

Albert Mohler- How Does it Happen? Trajectories Toward an Adjusted Gospel

Thabiti Anyabwile- ‘Fine-Sounding Arguments’ — How Wrongly ‘Engaging the Culture’ Adjusts the Gospel

John MacArthur- The Theology of Sleep! (Mark 4)

John Piper- Did Jesus Preach Paul’s Gospel?

Some written summaries of the messages here and here.

Some personal reflections:

‘We were together for the Gospel” Colin Adams gives his personal highlights

Derek Thomas reflects on t4g here and here, before coming to the conclusion that these are ‘encouraging times.'


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