'Beloved Friends, we live in a world of sin and sorrow and we
are sinful and sorrowful—we need one who can put away our sin and become a
sharer in our sorrow. If he cannot go with us through all the rough places of
our pilgrimage, how can he be our guide? If he has never travelled in the
night, himself, how can he whisper consolation to us in our darkest hours? We
have a fully qualified High Priest in our Lord Jesus Christ…
… A heavy atmosphere fills this Tabernacle this morning,
making it difficult to speak and more difficult to hear, but yet, if some
sudden news came to you, as the burning of your house, or the death of a dear
child, you would shake off all lethargy and wake up from all dullness and
heaviness of spirit! And, therefore, I claim your liveliest thoughts for the
solemn subject which I have introduced to you. Think much of the Son of God,
the Lord of Heaven and earth, who, for our salvation, loved and lived and
served and suffered! He that made man was made Man! As a Suppliant, with cries
and tears He pleaded with God—even He before whom the hosts of Heaven bow
adoringly! He has still that tenderness to which He was trained by His
suffering! He bids you come to Him now! You that love Him, approach Him, now,
and read the love which is engraved on His heart! You who have not, until now,
known Him, come boldly to Him and trust Him who has come so near to you. The
Man is very near akin to us! Behold how He loves us! He bends down to us with
eternal salvation in His hands! Believe in Him and live! God grant it!'
Spurgeon preaching on Hebrews 5:7-10 'Our Sympathizing High Priest'
Spurgeon preaching on Hebrews 5:7-10 'Our Sympathizing High Priest'